Developing Destinies

a Mayan Midwife and Town

By Barbara Rogoff



ISBN 10: 0195319907
ISBN 13: 9781283116053
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Author: Barbara Rogoff
Publish Date: 2011
Page count: 343
Title: Developing Destinies
Subtitle: a Mayan Midwife and Town
Edition notes: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Ethnology, Maternal Welfare, Traditional Medicine, Social Change, Culture, Midwifery, Midwives, Obstetric Delivery, Biography
Contributions: Pérez González, Chona, Chavajay Quiacaín, Chonita, Chavajay Quiacaín, Josué
Publish places: New York
Series: Child development in cultural context, Child development in cultural context
Format: NA
Dimensions: NA
Weight: NA
Pagination: 360
Page count: 343